This is a blog dedicated to ALL who ride. NimrodsRacing is a local "condition" that is rapidly spreading into a "pandemic"! We are cyclists, some fast, some well-balanced, some (like me) slightly off kilter, pro, cat 5, enthusiasts, and newbies. We cheer for the underdog! We welcome challenges and laugh at adversity. We race because friendship and camaraderie grow through the sweat and struggles placed before us - just kidding, WE ARE NIMRODS!

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Gambler

Anyone that has rolled Foodpark over the past year+ knows who The Gambler is. On the second of July I was the unfortunate recipient of a phone call from the Gambler..."I'm going to roll to FP, want to join me?" was the message...before I could say "Hellz, NO!" I said - "Yes." So I slept very poorly on the night of the second of July. I woke up extra early after finally falling asleep at 2:30 a.m. I felt as if I were in a nightmare the sun was not even up yet! Sucks to be me...So I leave the house and meet up with The Gambler at the San Gabriel River Mouth. The torture was about to begin...have you ever awoke from a bad dream only to be caught in another...

He "rolled" at 23 into a stiff headwind and dragged my weary ass for 20+ miles down to the Coffee Bean in Irvine, which is the start of the infamous Foodpark Ride.

What happens next is a blurrrrr.....Then the ride is over and we head home....
So you ask, "What is it like to suck wheel after a long ride to a grueling group ride, while "rolling" with the Gambler? (Who just happens to ride up to the wheel of an equally large Moose-Tri-Racer...

So above you see Kenny rolling with a Tri-guy and judging by my distance behind them and the fact I am carrying a camera in my right hand taking pictures, I win as the biggest idiot! Oh,yeah, this was our cruising speed...after Foodpark!

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