Good evening, to me. Today was a fast roll around the O.C. with the Food Park crew. Mark Scott and Hoverhawk, Dave Worthington were out donning the nimrods racing kit and looking stellar. I on the other hand, mountain biked yestarday and felt it in my legs as we rolled out of the Coffee Bean parking lot in Irvine. The ride went well we hit 36 mph down El Toro Rd. and veered onto Laguna Canyon tearing up the tarmac as we do (I say "we", though I mean "they"). As we approached the Pagent of the Masters facility in Laguna Beach the three way light turned yellow! One third of the pack was through as the remaining riders hollered "roll it!" this is unfortunately a much too common occurance on a large (40-80) person group ride when the peleton is going through a light. In this instance, a gentleman (I use this term loosely), decided in mid pack to stop for the amber/red light as the rest of the peleton in unison chose to "roll" the light. I was blessed with lightening fast reflexes and found myself staring up into the cavernous arse of the rider ahead of me with no time nor room to maneuver, instead I torpedo'd his ass and went flying onto my own. My bars were twisted, my ass was shredded, and my kit, my beautiful nimrod racing kit - torn and dirtied! I was bleeding from both knees and my left wrist was swollen to the size of a ping-pong ball. Screw-it! Tyler did it with a broken collar bone, Hincappie did it with a busted wrist, Levi did it as well...I rolled on. To the poor sap that received my horns, I am truly sorry but YOU FRICKING DON'T STOP IF THE PACK SAYS GO!!